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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the State Bicycle Co. 4130. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
21 reasons to buy
- The Core’s 4130 Chromoly tubing was a drawcard.
- Riders reported a smooth and comfortable ride.
- Owners said these bikes were beautiful in appearance.
- The value of the 4130 Core-line range was lauded.
- Riders found brakes responsive.
- These bikes are available in a wide range of sizes for all rider heights.
- Owners and reviewers praised the Core-line’s ‘zippy’ handling.
- Riders found this rig sturdy over potholes and rough streets.
- These bikes come with functioning chain tensioners.
- Core-lines feature bosses for a single bottle holder.
- Sealed Novatec hubs were consistent and reliable.
- Some reviewers found these bikes to be very light.
- Frames accomodate tires up to 32c in width.
- Flexibility of the steel frame balanced stiffness and compliance.
- Box-section rims were dependable.
- Colorways on the Core-line range were admired by many.
- The 44 x 16t gear ratio felt great out-of-the-box for a number of owners.
- Unlike on many new bikes, State’s saddle impressed a reviewer.
- One owner went from assembly to riding in under 30 minutes.
- Riders praised the quality and traction of stock tires.
- Buyers reported that wheels remained true after riding on various surfaces.
12 reasons not to buy
- Bikes sometimes arrived with damage, including scratching and dents.
- An expert reviewer said that chainring bolts continually loosened.
- To many, pedals warranted an instant upgrade.
- One buyer’s paintwork was chipping around fit components.
- For a few owners, wheels arrived out of true.
- Buyers sometimes complained of a lack of grease on arrival.
- Over-tightening of components was sometimes a concern.
- One buyer said that their fork was bent, with off-center brake drilling.
- Generic, mid-range parts corroded easily and failed to impress one owner.
- Packages were missing small parts, seat collars and even a box of small-parts.
- Owners noted that paintwork deteriorated quite easily.
- Wheels sometimes needed regular truing.
Bottom line
The State Bicycle Co. single-speed and fixie range may fall under a number of names. Ultimately, many of these bikes share the same frame and components, but are offered in a multitude of colors and themes. Generally, these bikes are seen as great value. They are a cut-price option with mid-range components and a pleasing weight. These aren’t high-end bikes, by any means. A number of customers received bikes with minor damage. But often, riders described a capable, rideable, affordable and presentable, chromoly, single-speed bike.Expert Reviews
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