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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Sullivan Raid Mini BMX. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
7 reasons to buy
- The Sullivan Raid Mini BMX has a sturdy steel frame.
- The bike is easy to assemble.
- The 3” wide tires help absorb the impact when the bike lands after jumps.
- The Sullivan Raid Mini BMX is easier for riders to do tricks on than 20” BMX bikes.
- The bike includes an optional brake and chainguard for additional safety.
- The bike comes with a 2-year warranty.
- The bike is available in two attractive colors, gunmetal or neo-chrome.
3 reasons not to buy
- The bike is smaller than some buyers expected.
- The brake was difficult for some users to install.
- The tires on the Sullivan Raid Mini BMX are hard to pump, as the valve stem and spokes are crammed in a tight space on small rims.
Bottom line
The Sullivan Raid Mini BMX is designed for riders looking to have fun and do tricks. It is available in two flashy colors. Riders have the option of installing a chainguard and brake for added safety. The wide tires may be hard to pump, but they provide a cushion when landing jumps. Some users found this bike surprisingly small.Expert Reviews
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